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Thursday 31/10/24

20:00 - 00:00
Welcome Milonga @ Tanzschule Donchev

DJane: Vesna Drnovšek Bock



Friday 01/11/24

13:30 - 15:00

Roberto & Federica @ Tango-Baustelle
Workshop 1: Musicality 1 (all levels)​

We take one particular tango - listen, exercise and transfer the music to your dance



15:15 - 16:45

Roberto & Federica @ Tango-Baustelle

Workshop 2: Musicality 2 (all levels)

Building up on Musicality 1 we work on another (more complex) piece of tango music.

(Musicality 1 recommended, but not mandatory)



17:00 - 18:30

Noémi & Marcelo @ Tango-Baustelle

Workshop 3: Solo Tango (all levels)

How to find stability in pivots and ochos


21:00 - 02:00
Milonga TangoGraziosa@ Heimatsaal

Show with Roberto & Federica

Live-Music: Sexteto Cristal

DJane: Federica Rubattu


Saturday 02/11/24

13:30 - 15:00

Roberto & Federica @ Tango-Baustelle

Workshop 4: Musicality 3 (Int/Adv)

Leading without movements



15:15 - 16:45

Noémi & Marcelo @ Tango-Baustelle

Workshop 5: The 4 levels of embrace (all levels)

Different tonus in the body for different speeds and movements



17:00 - 18:30

Noémi & Marcelo @ Tango-Baustelle

Workshop 6: The secret of sacadas (All levels)

How sacadas work followed by a complex sequence


21:00 - 02:00

Gala Milonga @ Heimatsaal

Show with Noémi & Marcelo

Live-Music Sin Palabras

DJ: Helmut Höllriegl

helmut tangobar.jpg

Sunday 03/11/24

13:30 - 15:00

Noémi & Marcelo @ Tango-Baustelle

Workshop 7: Powerful Boleos (All levels)

Boleos „a favor“ and „en contra“



15:15 - 16:45

Noémi & Marcelo @ Tango-Baustelle

Workshop 8: Playful Ganchos (Int./Adv.)

Practicing different variations of ganchos


17:00 - 21:00
Farewell Milonga @ Tango-Baustelle

DJane: Tanja Druzenko

Milonga TangoGraziosa
Gala Milonga

Heimatsaal im Volkskundemuseum

Since the redesign and renovation of the Folk Life Museum at Paulustor was completed in May 2021, the Universalmuseum Joanneum and Graz have been enriched by a great venue: the Heimatsaal.

The Heimatsaal in the Folk Life Museum was extensively renovated in 2020 and 2021 and is once again available as a versatile event venue. The adjacent garden at the foot of the Schlossberg is also an attractive addition. 

Anker Heimatsaal


 Situated in central city Gries district the Tango-Baustelle is one of the places in Graz where you can learn and dance Tango regularly. Since more than a decade it has been hosting classes, workshops, milongas and concerts with a warm and cozy atmosphere and - most important - with an excellent dancefloor transferred from one of Graz' oldest traditional hotels.


Tanzschule Donchev

One of the tango hotspots in Graz. Here you can arrive, let yourself go and feel a true connection. The unique, warm atmosphere of the hosts and the wonderful floor make you feel completely at ease here.
However, the Iliyan Donchev dance school is not just the ideal place for tango events: You can develop your own tango skills here in regular courses tailored to the respective dance levels under expert guidance.

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